Know whether a Masterpiece Wood Entry Door is Right for you or not

To get protected from rain do you have a covered entryway? In a covered entryway, masterpiece entry doors hold up best and require less maintenance. To become effective, at least half the height of the door should be projected by the roof, including its sill and any overhead windows. For example, it should project 5 feet if the roof is 10 feet above the door’s landing. Also, the roof’s width should be at least 1½ times the doors.

Is it exposed to the sun? Doors will quickly lose their looks without routine care if they bake in the sun for more than 4 hours a day. Every one to two years clear-coated doors must be recoated and painted and every five to six years it requires a fresh coat.

 To prevent built-up snow or pooled rainwater from causing rot it should clear a porch landing by 4 to 6 inches. If the fire is a concern then check your local building codes, particularly if you live in a place prone to wildfires. Some handcrafted custom front doors are rated to withstand 60-minute infernos.

How cold does it get? An R-value of about 2.5 is observed in a standard 1¾-inch-thick wood door, close to that of a double-pane window. Compared to a foam-filled fiberglass or steel door that’s far lower, but you can boost its ability to stop air infiltration with tight weather-stripping.

How to Select Order Your Wooden Front Door

You should observe the difference in height and width between the slab and pre-hung door. Compared to a slab door pre-hung is wider and taller.

Before purchasing your door you need to measure three times even five times too so that you can save yourself from installation headaches or in the worst case having to buy another door.

Maintenance of a Wooden Front Door

 In causing clear coats to degrade and paint pigments to fade Sunlight is the number-one culprit. Sand and re-coat varnished doors every year, polyurethane doors every other year so that you can maintain your wooden front door. Every five to six years painted doors from masterpiece entry doors manufacturer should get fresh coats.


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